Last night I saw a preview for the new “Social Networking” movie about the rise of Facebook. I learned Facebook started out in a dorm room by a student attending Harvard. This amazed me, a young student and his classmates not much older than I am created the largest social networking site in the entire world! That’s a big deal considering this program has completely changed they way people connect and communicate, if you do not have Facebook I guarantee you know somebody who does. Mark Zuckerberg (co-founder of Facebook) has an estimated 4 billion dollar net worth to make the point more astonishing he is only 26 years old. WOW! Does that not blow anyone else’s mind? The even crazier part is he is not alone; there is a long list of very rich entrepreneurs younger than the age of 30. Example: YouTube an extremely popular video sharing site that I am sure you have all used or least heard off.
The computers have brought on so many changes in the last decade including these young entrepreneurs creating websites of all kinds. People are getting richer at a younger age and they seem to continuously get younger.So what is the deal are we getting smarter? I don’t think so; actually I feel we are probably being sent the opposite way with all the time we are spending on these machines. My take on the situation is simple, we can be honest here the generation now is way more tuned in with the computer (no secret), I mean we have basically grown up on these machines and kids at a very young age know them inside and out front to back, however I think that is a problem all on its own, we should not be investing the time we do on a computer (I am hypocrite in the sense of that statement) but that is a whole other issue. I don’t foresee the trend of young entrepreneurs slowing down at all in the future, I actually see it growing, as you read this think there is probably a student or young person coming up with the next best thing in their parents basement or in the classroom that will sweep across the world, but I guess we will see (sooner than later I assume, I mean Facebook is already 6 years old? That is ancient in internet years)
Let me know what you think on the entire topic, the young and rich or even the youth on computers, I want to here what you have to say.
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